Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wouldn't it be nice if I had all the time in the world to read and write on blogs? Hear other about other peoples lives and their hardships and realize my life isn't so bad.
I apprently don't write on here enough, so here it is. You know what I've been thinking about lately that totally bugs me? People getting their feelings hurt through stupid things. Last night I went to a VT RS thing and a woman talked about how she didn't want VT's for about ten years because one of them made a dumb comment. I think there was more to the story, but that's the jist. I think that I'm wired weird, because I don't get it. What did the Savior do when he was going to be knowingly crucified and all throughout his life when he was percecuted against? That's right, he prayed for them and still loved them because they weren't perfect and neither are we. I think we have emasculated men in our society and yet the women haven't toughened up. What the hell? Instead of being so upset with other people because somehow they "wronged" you, I have one thing to say...."check yourself". That's what I do. Is it really worth it? How strong is your testimony if you are letting you being hurt stray you from the gospel and your relationship with God and Christ? Jus think about. Aren't we supposed to be trying to be Christ-like? I don't recall anywhere in the scriptures where Christ whines about how everyone is so mean to him, and they weren't nice to him. They called him bad names and talked crap about him to his face and behind his back. Hell, didn't they kill him? Hmm, and yet he's still our Savior and loves everyone. Amazing!! It's incredible what forgiveness can do. None of us are perfect or claim to be. So buck up campers and put on some thicker skin. We all say dumb things and do dumb things and Heavenly Father and Jesus still love us!! All I can say is "Get over it! It isn't worth it".
Have a great day!


Chelsi said...

That's some pretty strong emotion there, Bridgette. Not that I would expect anything less from you. I have to agree on the "Stop being offended by people's dumb comments" thought, though. It's pretty sad what some people find to keep them away from something good. I think they are looking for a reason, if you ask me.
I do have to say, I remember a conference when we were told that we don't need more tough women. Our sensitive natures are the way God intended them to be. So, I guess we have to just be grown up enough to not let our feelings get hurt, especially when it's not intended.

Sam said...

I totally agree. I think there is going to be a social turn around with Men and whether or not they continue to be the "boys don't cry" type of people. I think that in the coming generations there will be a lot more sensitivity from men, just not the petty kind. love you cous :)

Tim and Mandi said...

Love it Bridgette! I know there have been times when I definitely to buck up and this inspired me!

bridgette said...

hahahaha!!! lol!! deep thoughts by me!! too bad they aren't very deep! :)- hahaha!

Trisha said...

And THIS POST is why I love you :) So honest. So true!!

The Hatch's said...

You go Bridge!!